The main logistics partner for Brazilian brands in the United States

Serving more than 50 Brazilian brands in their ecommerce fulfillment, Amazon preparation and returns management operations in the country.

Start your International Dropshipping journey with Usa Ecommerce Fulfillment:

Explore how Usa Ecommerce Fulfillment can optimize your International Dropshipping initiatives, allowing you to start growing your business globally with confidence.

With this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-prepared to begin your International Dropshipping journey, unlocking new growth opportunities and reaching customers around the world.

With the e-commerce sector on the rise, the opportunities for online sales are countless. In recent years, global entrepreneurs have invested in Dropshipping to gain space in the market at reduced costs. However, in addition to selling directly in your countries of origin, it is important to know how to do International Dropshipping, as it is a way to expand your business on a global scale.

According to a survey by Shopify, the global e-commerce market is expected to reach US$6.3 trillion in 2023. By the end of 2024, according to the research, 21.2% of total retail sales will occur online. Discover below how to do International Dropshipping and how you can start your operation in the USA to take advantage of the opportunities of a trillion-dollar market.

What is dropshipping?

“Dropshipping: A Business Model Without Your Own Inventory

“Dropshipping is a business model in which the entrepreneur sells products without the need to maintain their own stock. When a customer makes a purchase, the entrepreneur forwards the order to the supplier, who then directly sends the product to the end consumer.

This model offers an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to start a sales business without the costs and logistics associated with inventory. The entrepreneur only needs to create a virtual store and focus his efforts on promoting products to reach potential customers.

In the Brazilian market, dropshipping is gaining more and more prominence. Many entrepreneurs establish partnerships with suppliers, such as those in China, to manage the entire process of delivering products to local customers.

Expanding Your Business: How to Dropship Internationally

As it does not require stock, international dropshipping is an interesting option for entrepreneurs looking to expand their business to other countries. In addition to local customers, it is possible to secure more buyers working internationally.

To achieve this, opening a company in the USA will help your e-commerce. In addition to being the second most important in the online sales sector, American companies find advantages in selling to other countries.

Check out some reasons to invest in dropshipping in the USA below:

American customers consume more than Brazilians. The United States is the largest buyer of consumer goods and responsible for a third of global consumption.

The US has a free trade agreement with 20 countries in Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. This means that companies incorporated on American soil have ease and tax exemptions when negotiating with these partner countries.

Avoid exchange rate fluctuations by receiving and purchasing in dollars. Payment to suppliers in dropshipping is made in dollars. Therefore, many businesspeople who only operate within their home countries suffer from the exchange rate. Below, we have separated the main areas that deserve your attention when starting a dropshipping business that serves the global market.

How to do international dropshipping while living in Brazil

Operating an international business without leaving your home country can seem complicated. In the case of dropshipping, it is essential to have partners prepared to assist in your operation.

Check out some of the essential steps for a successful operation in the USA below.

Open a company in the United States

As we have already mentioned, having an American company will help in the dropshipping process for American customers and US partner countries.

Opening a company in the United States is not difficult, but it requires your attention to some details. The first is to choose wisely the location where the incorporation will take place. Several states offer advantages for international entrepreneurs, such as Delaware, Florida or Wyoming.

Another important decision is the structure of your company. For global business owners, LLC and C. Corp structures bring benefits. These structures are close, respectively, to LTDA and S/A in Brazil. Each of them has different administration and taxation models. To open your business in the United States, you can hire one of the Globalfy service plans from specialized companies like Globalfy.


After opening a company in the United States, you will need a Tax ID. American companies are identified with the IRS by their Employer Identification Number, also called EIN. All American companies need this document. It is with it that you will be able to keep your taxes in order, open a bank account and apply to sell your products via international dropshipping for wholesale.

Rest assured! Globalfy will guide you through the EIN process as well.

Do lots of research!

Choosing quality products is the key to the success of your international dropshipping. To do this, you need to know the markets you want to target well. Do a lot of research, identify who your personas are and what they really like.

One way to find out if the product you have in mind will be successful in a certain country is to use tools like Google Trends and the Google Keyword Planner. With them, it is possible to identify the number of searches that a particular product has.

As your objective is to sell to other countries, it is also interesting to find out who your competitors will be in these markets. By thoroughly understanding who will compete with your company and who the consumers are, it becomes easier to direct your communication.

Look for good suppliers

For your business to work, it is essential to find suppliers who are already used to working in the international dropshipping model.

Remember that the consumer is eager to receive the product at home and that the delivery process must be efficient. Do a supplier reference check before investing your money!

Choose platforms to sell your products

The channel is a point that deserves a lot of your attention. Your international dropshipping business will only work if you reach the right customers. To do this, choose appropriately where to place the products.

Shopify is a cool tool for starting your own e-commerce, but don’t just focus on it! You should also register your products on popular marketplaces in each country. Do good keyword research and write complete descriptions, in the country’s language (Fiverr allows you to hire translators from different languages, for prices that fit your budget).

Focus on digital marketing

Once the company is structured and the products chosen, your effort will basically be digital marketing. Conversion in e-commerce is around 1–2%. This means that for every hundred people who enter your store, only two will actually buy an item.

Therefore, your goal in digital marketing should be to create actions that attract as many people as possible to your e-commerce. Invest in a good SEO strategy, as it will help your business stand out in search engines. In addition, you must also do constant work on optimizing your website so that conversion increases. You can achieve this by making checkout as simple and intuitive as possible, adding reviews from real consumers who have already used your product.

Invest in quality photos and also carry out A/B tests to see which messages most attract consumers to give their credit card number!

Investments in Google Ads, Google Shopping and Facebook Ads should also be part of your routine. Advertising products through these tools ensures that more people access your website.

Monitor the operation closely

Dropshipping is an excellent business, as it allows you to carry out all operations in Brazil. However, to function properly, it is essential to closely monitor the performance of the dropshipper (your supplier).

Remember that if he makes a mistake, you are the one who will receive the complaint and make the customer feel bad.

Start international dropshipping now with Usa Commerce Fulfillment.

Once your company is established in the United States and you understand how to do dropshipping once, everything becomes easier the next time. Focus on always looking for new suppliers, exploring new markets and killing it!

Count on Globalfy and Usa Commerce Fulfillment to set up your business in the USA and enjoy the advantages of an international operation!

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